My goal is to
capture the emotion of taste
Our memories are valuable images full of taste...
With an experienced and artistic look,Elena Arkoumani as a food photographer it’s tempting to create images of the most beautiful food possible.
If you need photos of your dishes or culinary products feel free to contact with me and see how we can work together.With my photos I activate all of our senses, create an emotional connection with the viewer and bring up memories. My style will help your brand to stand out and be recognizable.
I'm experienced creating outstanding food photography and with me you will find exactly what you are looking for restaurants, magazines, brands and packaging. As a professional, I try every year to develop my business by choosing the right partners, by learning about the developments in the field of photography, so that I can give the most beautiful and contemporary result, justifying my clients for their choice.
Before we make images together, we should get to know each other. Tell me your story. Tell me your plans.